Treeton Farm


From Farm to Paddock

Treeton Farm – producing the finest beef in the State.

Treeton Farm is nestled amongst the famous vineyards, breweries, cheese and chocolate factories of the Margaret River region in Western Australia.

There, a group of dedicated local farmers have been passionately working to create the exclusive, high-quality beef brand, preferred by customers across the State.

Together, we handpick European-bred cattle (predominately Black Angus, Limousin, Charolais and Murray Grey varieties), from the Cowaramup/Margaret River region for Treeton Farm.

Free from hormonal growth promotants, the cattle are raised on fresh air, clean water and, in Spring, on lush grass from the local paddocks of WA’s South West region. In the drier months, they are fed grain.

Underpinned by 30 years’ experience in the farming industry, this meticulous selection and raising process results in the highest quality beef in Australia.

From paddock to plate, Treeton Farm’s cattle are independently graded under the Meat Standards Australia (MSA) eating quality grading system for beef. The MSA trademark identifies beef which has been graded to consistently achieve customer satisfaction for tenderness, juiciness, and flavour, in conjunction with cooking methods.

Primal cuts of beef are aged to achieve maximum tenderness according to MSA’s grading system, achieving MSA 5-star rating for tenderloins, and MSA 4 star ratings for cube rolls and striploins.

Treeton Farm’s superior quality beef is available exclusively from Johnson Meats.


What makes Treeton Farm special


control the whole supply chain


From paddock to plate approach


no mass production


specially selected animals